Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Pantry Challenge

After a three year hiatus from my blog (I was travelling, and in school and just generally busy) I've decided to get back on the blogging bandwagon. Yay for New Years resolutions!

Part of my resolutions for the year are eating healthier and eating out less often, going to the gym, blogging more, being better with money and getting enough sleep - I have more tangible specific goals but that's the basic gist of it.

Doing this pantry challenge will help me with at least the blogging more, eating out less and saving money. I'm also trying to low-carb or at least only eat whole grain. Without further ado - Day One:

2 pieces of whole-grain toast
1 scrambled egg

Leftovers (rice and chicken)


Since last week was Christmas, I had some friends stay with me for a few days so I have a bunch of leftovers to get through - I also made and froze some soup so I'll be eating that in the next few days. I'm hoping to only buy eggs, dairy and fresh veggies.

For more info on the Pantry Challenge check out good (cheap) eats and try it for yourself!