Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On The Road Again

So it's been over a month and I've lost a total of 20 pounds! I haven't exactly been Somersizing lately but that's mostly because I started a Boot Camp and therefore need more carbs. My friend is a trainer so he gave me and 3 girlfriends a pretty good deal.

We've been working out 4 times a week and have plans to do so for 2 months. Yesterday we went and did the stairs by a park downtown here. The stairs are ridiculous (it took us 2 minutes and 17 seconds to get up them running!) but you can tell by how your legs feel afterward that it works!

I'm heading off houseboating in a few days and I'm happy to have lost some of my extra jiggle. I really just need to tone everything and shed maybe 5 more pounds.

1 comment:

rachaelgking said...

CONGRATS!!! That is huge! I'm working on 10lbs myself... I don't want to weigh myself for a couple weeks so hopefully I can see a real difference, but I hope I'm half as successful as you! :-)